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Accommodation (1) | Food (4) | Itineraries (7) |
On a budget (1) | Shopping (2) | Transportation (1) |
Warnings (11) | With Kids (1) |
Don't incite political activity (Warnings)
Since Vietnam still remains a communist country, never take pictures of demonstrations, rallies and military facilities. Authorities are keen watching foreigners exhibiting any form of political...Read full tip...
Police form for lodging (Accommodation)
If you are going to stay in a hotel in Vietnam, do remember to accomplish a police form because it is the law there. Even if you are going to stay in a local's house, it is still required. ...Read full tip...
Avoid drinking tap water (Food)
If you're a tourist in Vietnam and your stomach isn't used to hardly clean water, then don't ever try to drink tap water there. Even the ice. If you have seen how they make their ice, then...Read full tip...
Eating vegetables, fruits, etc. (Food)
Always remember to never eat vegetables raw in Vietnam. If you have to know, the Vietnamese are notorious for using human waste as fertilizer for their crops. Always peel everything you can...Read full tip...
Travelling with Kids in Vietnam (With Kids)
Travelling with children to Vietnam, as with other countries, may prove to be a challenge for unprepared parents. Some bring toys, trolleys, food from home to establish normalcy and provide diversion...Read full tip...
Be mindful of your feet! (Warnings)
When visiting a local home, make sure that the soles of your feet aren't pointing towards the family altar when you sit or sleep. This is considered rude.. Read full tip...
Shutterbugs in Vietnam (Warnings)
It is forbidden to take photos of military outposts or anything to do with the military in Vietnam as this may be seen as a breach of national security. Save your memory space for the various other...Read full tip...
Dress Code in Vietnam's temples (Warnings)
Like in most religious houses, it is considered offensive to wear shorts, dresses, and skirts that bare too much skin, especially in the areas of the legs, chest, and shoulders. A comfortable shirt...Read full tip...
When visiting a local household (Itineraries)
Remove your shoes and leave them by the door before entering a Vietnamese household. This is a sign of respect for the house and the residents in it.. Read full tip...
Cameras in Vietnam (Warnings)
Always ask permission before taking photos of the locals, especially those who belong in ethnic tribes. If they seem reluctant, don't push through or offer money as this is considered rude. ...Read full tip...
Vietnamese Booze (Itineraries)
Hanoi City is Vietnam's Booze Capital, and here is where you can have the cheapest beer in the world. Bia hoi (draught beer) is a must-try and it only costs around 2,000 dong a glass. ...Read full tip...
On beggars (Warnings)
Beggars are ubiquitous in Vietnam, and while it is utterly heart-wrenching to see them in their state, giving them money will do more harm than good. You're better off giving them food or taking...Read full tip...
Hotel business cards (Transportation)
Before going out of your hotel, make sure you keep a hotel business card with you. Most drivers in Vietnam aren't fluent in English, and when commuting, you may find it difficult to tell them where...Read full tip...
Never flaunt your money! (Warnings)
When in Vietnam, don't go around flaunting your cash and wearing fine jewelry. For one, it is considered tasteless to flaunt one's wealth. Another thing is that you can be a target for pickpockets. ...Read full tip...