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The Glossary
bacan the other term for "cool." What to say to a local if you want to praise anything in Peru that you find interesting.
bamba means fake, illegal, counterfeit or bad-quality goods. If a local says that a product is a bamba, do not buy it if you want to save on money or do not want any trouble.
Cerveza the other name for the Peruvian beer found in bars. This term also refers to beer anywhere in Latin America.
chela the Peruvian beer common in bars.
chevere means "cool." What to say to a local if you want to praise the food or anything that you find interesting.
loco originally means "a crazy person," but is used in Peru as a friendly expression that means "friend," "buddy" or "mate."
plata originally means "silver," but is more commonly used to refer to money.
tombo locals' slang word for "cop." Do not call a cop a tombo as the police don't like the term.