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The Glossary
fady - "means a taboo. A fady governs the everyday life of the locals and these must be observed no matter how senseless they might be as it is an insult to the people if a tourist is not to follow a fady."
Added: 2 years 4 months ago in Madagascar
Ask your guide or research first about the local “fady” of your destination before heading there. A “fady” is a taboo locals observe and it differs from one place to another. You might encounter these taboos more in the rural areas than in the cities.
An example of a fady is not wearing a particular color of clothing or not bathing in a particular lake. It is an insult and disrespectful to the people if you would not follow their local fady no matter how senseless it may be to you. If you do not follow a fady, you might end up being confronted by the locals.