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Africa Traveler Advice

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Ouka'Meden Here I Come
We had fun skiing at Ouka Meden last April. I really enjoyed the laidback vibe of the unassuming resorts which boast a ski lift and terrain to suit the taste and styles of the visitors coming in. If you...Read full tip...
Visiting Cairo
The best time to pay a visit to Cairo, the capital of Egypt, is between the months of September to April when the weather is fairly agreeable. Avoid a visit during the Muslim festivals such as the Ramadan...Read full tip...
Abu Simbel festival in Egypt
If you want to witness how a natural phenomenon wonderfully coincides with a man-made structure, you can head off to Abu Simbel, located in Nubia and accessible from Aswan. This interesting celebration...Read full tip...
Cash or Card?
It is equally important to exchange some “cash” into the local Egyptian currency to use in giving your "baksheesh" or tip (once you ride a cab, be sure to hand some tip) and to purchase...Read full tip...
The most dangerous place to visit on Earth
If you think the most dangerous place on the planet to visit will be one with the harshest nature, then you're way off base. In fact, the most dangerous is the one that humans themselves made as...Read full tip...
Dhows in Kenya
If you've experienced a felucca ride in Egypt and liked it, you may want to ride the dhow vessel in Kenya when sailing the expanse of its coast. Traditionally, dhows were used by Arab traders when going...Read full tip...
Safari Trip: Kenya Style
It is recommended for first time travelers to go on a safari trip to some of Kenya’s national parks and reserve for this is the highlight of a visit to Africa. Tsavo is one of the biggest national...Read full tip...
Road to Kenya's Main Sights
It’s best to get a taxi if you decide to roam around Nairobi. However, if you wish to travel around Kenya, take one of the buses that leave from the city’s River Road area or simply ride the...Read full tip...
Eco-Tours in Kenya
To those interested in ecotourism projects, Kenya has a fair share of community that run eco-lodges whose profits go straight back to the local Kenyans. This is also a rewarding experience other than...Read full tip...
Lemur-watching in Madagascar is one of tourists’ top favorite activities here as lemurs are only found in the country and nowhere else on Earth. A lemur is a koala-looking primate and Madagascar...Read full tip...
Language 101 in Mozambique
Of course learning some basic phases will also help you once you get to Mozambique. Below are some useful phrases that might help you in one way or another as you go along your way. Good morning - Bom...Read full tip...
Best Time to Visit Mozambique
Like any other part of the African continent, Mozambique has a tropical climate with year-round sunny skies, so whenever you choose to travel you can look forward to a bit of sunshine to this side of...Read full tip...
Sigthseeing in Algeria
Mapping your itineraries is not an easy task, so when you get to Algeria, its best to navigate first the capital Algiers specifically the ruined Roman ports concentrated at Timgad and Djemila. From...Read full tip...
Wild Wild Madagascar
Madagascar’s landscape entails a whole lot of adventure. Exploring the nature reserves can be a great start. Here you can trek the untapped rainforests, lakes and mangrove swamps of the Tsingy de...Read full tip...