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Angola is a country in south central Africa being surrounded by Namibia to the south, Congo to the north, Zambia to the east and the Atlantic Ocean along the west coast. Even though Angola is the largest produces of petroleum and the ever precious diamonds,, it still falls under the league of a developing country. However the new peace acquired in Angola is enabling international visitors to sample the delights and attractions offered by this beautiful country. It is becoming a tourist attraction par excellence hallmarked with its rich culture, exotic beaches and wild mountainous interior.
Angola offers its visitors a distinct and unique experience in each of its 18 provinces and each one of them is a kaleidoscope of extensive landscapes, diverse cultures and vast open plains. Nature mother has liberally bestowed Angola with a dramatic landscape with plunging water falls, awe inspiring rock formations and deep gorges. The unmistakable Leba Mountain in the Hulla province provides a birds view of the enormous Namibe desert. The Calendula waterfalls in the Malange, cascading down rock faces creates a spectacular and an unmatchable picture. A visit to Angola is made even more memorable and enchanting by the natural hospitality and friendly attitude of the Angolans. The capital city of Angola, Luanda hosts the Benefica handicrafts market, an open air market where the local artisans and craftsmen sell their wares ranging from batik clothes to sculptures, from jewelry to paintings.
If you are an ace at bargaining, then you are sure to bag some wonderful deals. Around Luanda, the main places to visit are the fortress which shelters the Museum of Armed forces, the national museum of anthropology and the museum of slavery. Benguela, a coastal city in Angola is known as the cultural capital of Angola with a small town ambience but a bustling city life. You will also find diamond dusted beaches in Benguela where you can feel serene and secluded. The sensual dance movements, foot tapping rhythms form a combination of African, south and Central American music all set your heart racing and mind wandering. Angola is richly endowed with almost virgin wildlife parks, Africa's second largest waterfall, iconic beaches and a new era of peace and stability which increases its opportunity fro exploration and attracting even more foreign tourists.
Angola Traveler Advice
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See All- Huila- Lubango
- Luanda
- Lubango - Huila
- Malange province
- Namib desert within Namibia and Angola.
- Namibe desert within Namibia and Angola.
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