How to Avoid Traveling Troubles
Traveling to a certain destination might not become memorable if there are too many troubles along the way. Remember that even the best trips are usually not trouble-free, but travelers may lessen the hassles by following these tips:
Go to ports early
Going to ports early is a traveler's best bet in countering troubles. By checking in early, a traveler may find a solution to delayed or cancelled flights or trips. One, for example, can immediately look for alternative transportation or routes to get to the destination on time. Arriving early also provides travelers with a leeway to negotiate with port authorities for refunds. An early bird can avoid long queues for checking in, as well as prevent the stress brought about by being late.

(Photo by Michal Osmenda)
Pack light
Packing light should not only be done when preparing for the journey. It should also be remembered while traveling as it allows one to move freely and with ease. It is easier to open fewer pieces of luggage when presenting them to inspectors. Fewer belongings can also be easily counted and guarded to avoid loses. . Try to keep everything in one pack and if possible, hand-carry it on the plane, bus, or ship. Doing so will provide the traveler with convenience and a sense of security, knowing that everything he needs are in his hands.
Know the laws of the destination
When still on the planning phase, an efficient traveler studies his destination carefully. The research entails learning the ropes of entering the place and how to stay there without hassle. The language of the destination is also studied so that preparations like buying translation notes and practicing the local accent can be done.
(Photo by Patrick Ng)
Another thing that should not be missed is to study the destination’s laws. Drug possession, for example, is allowable in some countries but punishable by death for some. Thus, knowing the laws might not only save a traveler’s ass, but also his head.
Respect the destination's culture
Even if the destination’s norms and traditions sound absurd or peculiar it is better to just follow to avoid being in trouble. A violation of time-honored cultural practices and beliefs can immediately send the tourist to jail. Certainly, no traveler would want to spend his vacation behind bars.
Never carry valuables around
Valuables may make you stand out from the crowd, but it is better to blend in with the locals than look like some hotshot and become a target for theft and other street crimes. Thus, it is better to leave valuables in the hotel or be discreet at displaying anything valuable.

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