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The Glossary
Xe om - "A popular means of transportation, especially in urban Vietnam, where the passenger rides on the back of motorbike's driver."
The modest village on Hon Chong may not be every tourist's idea of paradise, but it may come close. Located in far-off Mekong Delta, the small settlement sees very little foreign visitors. Those who go to this place are rewarded a view of pristine waters and a privacy found only in some of Vietnam's isolated isles. The peace and quiet may sometimes be quelled by the locals' enjoyment of karaoke. Duong Beach may not have the fine sugar-white sand but it does quench the water-lovers' thirst for a good swim. Those who stay until sunset will see a sky awash with watercolor hues. Thrill-seekers can explore the baffling structures and turns of Chua Hang Grotto, found in a nearby hill south of the...
Hon Chong Index:
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