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The Glossary
Pho - "it is a traditional Vietnamese soup dish made with thinly sliced meat (pork or beef) and rice noodles serves with various condiments."
Hoa Lu radiates a distinct air of majesty with its well-preserved ancient temples and towering limestone mountains. Tourists cannot help but stop on their tracks and behold the ancient capital's breathtaking opulence. Located in Vietnam's north central region, Hoa Lu is one of the settlements that still have that old-Vietnam charm, emanating from the ornate age-old structures and the traditional lifestyles maintained by the natives. Vietnam's prime city during the 10th century, Hoa Lu's surroundings feature tall karst elevations that pop out of the seemingly infinite flatland. The area was an ideal place to establish a stronghold, as the rough landscape would impede foreign invasion attempts. The bastion that protected Hoa...
Hoa Lu Index:
- Temples (2)
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