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Female Traveler (2) | Food (1) | Health (3) |
Itineraries (4) | Sights (3) | Transportation (1) |
Visa (1) | Warnings (11) |
Sex crimes against female tourists
If you're a woman tourist in India, never walk alone in the streets, especially the dark alleys and tourist spots, because you are making yourself a high candidate for being a victim of sex crimes. ...Read full tip...
Indian Buffet
Glasses and plates can be dirty in tourist buffets in India, the best if you carry some wet wipes to clean it or some alcohol. Also don't eat the food if it's cold, it might not be fresh. However if you...Read full tip...
Dealing with the beggar-kids
It wouldn't be a surprise to see a number of kids begging for money in and around Hampi. Most of them aren't really poor, they're just faking to earn extra money. If some of them sells trinkets...Read full tip...
Something to watch out for
While walking around Jaipur, you may be approached by youths (sometimes on motorbikes) inviting you for some tea. An advice is to stay away from them. Most of these young locals may offer...Read full tip...
Yes or No?
Do remember that the Indian locals use a different version of the usual "head shake". For many of us, a sideways shake of the head means "no", while a nod means "yes"...Read full tip...
Beware of the "shoe shine boys"!
Try not to use the pedestrian underpasses, especially if you see the notorious "shoe shine boys" around. They often go to great lengths to soil your footwear to force you to pay them for...Read full tip...
Don't stay in the streets past ten!
Be aware that in Delhi, all activity screech to a halt past ten o'clock in the evening. They turn off most of the lights and everything closes. So, remember not to stay on the streets at that...Read full tip...
I know that many tourists are kindhearted, but please, try to avoid giving anything to the beggars you'll find in Mumbai. (This also applies to pretty much anywhere else you go to. The reason? ...Read full tip...
It can drive you BAT-ty
Do rember that India is a country of bats. Nearly every ruin or historical/religious site you'll visit shelters more than a few bats in their ceilings. While they're not likely to attack anyone...Read full tip...
On divulging too much information
Never tell strangers that it's your first time in India. Whether they are from your hotel, someone you met in the streets, or the driver of the cab you're in. Also, don't trust people even...Read full tip...
Tipping in India
Tips aren't necessary but are greatly appreciated by locals. They don't earn that much and giving them a few spare change would really mean a lot to them. Though you must keep in mind never...Read full tip...