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The Glossary
Prices go up from this value.

60,000.00 COP (30.15 USD

400,000.00 COP (201.01 USD

2,000.00 COP (1.01 USD

Midrange price.

2,000.00 COP (1.01 USD

30,000.00 COP (15.08 USD

2,800.00 COP (1.41 USD

80,000.00 COP (40.20 USD

2,000.00 COP (1.01 USD

10,000.00 COP (5.03 USD

More about Colombia costs
Colombia is one of the cheaper destinations in South America. Backpack travelers need about 30,000.00 COP (15.08 USD) to 50,000.00 COP (25.13 USD
). Midrange comforts will cost between 50,000.00 COP (25.13 USD
) to 90,000.00 COP (45.23 USD
) a day. Areas along the Caribbean coast usually offer all-inclusive packages within the range of 200,000.00 COP (100.50 USD
) to 300,000.00 COP (150.75 USD
). Museums have free entrance during the last Sunday of the month. Student cards enable you to get discounts on museum admission fees and plane tickets. Bus ticket fares have negotiable prices, so you can get them for about 20 to 30 percent cheaper of the original cost.
Street vendors sell goods whose prices are negotiable. Their original price will go down to about 2,000.00 COP (1.01 USD) to 3,000.00 COP (1.51 USD
). While riding the Transmilenio or Megabus lines, be sure to watch out for your belongings. Do not carry around cash that reaches up to 20,000.00 COP (10.05 USD
) or any unnecessary items. You may be stopped at a police check point so just keep a calm attitude when this happens.