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Itineraries (4) | Sights (2) | Transportation (1) |
Volunteering (1) |
Fancy a Death Race? (Itineraries)
Have you gotten bored with the usual triathlons and ultramarathons? Or do you just have a death wish or the urge to punish yourself? Well, the Death Race in Pittsfield, Vermont is for you. ...Read full tip...
Amazing cloth woven from spider silk! (Itineraries)
The American Museum of Natural History recently unveiled a one-of-a-kind 11' x 4' tapestry made entirely out of spider silk. Conceived by Madagascar textile maker Simon Peers and fashion designer Nicholas...Read full tip...
Longest Bridge in the World (Itineraries)
When it comes to being the longest bridge in the world, nothing can beat the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in Louisiana. Connecting the lake's opposite banks, it stretches 23. 87 miles, and is supported...Read full tip...
Haunted Illinois (Sights)
Thrill-seekers probably should head to the infamous Hickory Hill in Equality, Illinois - or what is best known as the "Old Slave House". Built by a man named John Hart Crenshaw as a salt mining...Read full tip...
Is it possible for a car to roll uphill? (Itineraries)
Well, it does seem like it if you visit the so-called "Gravity Hill" in Pennsylvania. A place where people believe that physics has gone haywire, you could put a car on neutral and watch...Read full tip...
Woodstock today (Sights)
What a better way to experience being a hippie for a day than visiting the place where the ‘60s counter revolution all began: the Woodstock at Bethel Woods, New York. Bethel Woods today is an enormous...Read full tip...
Fares and travel info for Bethel Woods (Woodstock Festival venue) (Transportation)
Bethel Woods observes its legacy of being pro-earth by encouraging visitors to the place to observe eco-friendly measures like arriving in a car pool, as the attendees of the ‘60s Woodstock did...Read full tip...
Woodstock is looking for volunteers (Volunteering)
Bethel Woods Center for the Arts is looking for volunteers who can help in the many activities of the center, including organizing concerts, Harvest Festivals, museum curating, and promoting arts and...Read full tip...