The Philippines is an archipelago made up of 7, 107 islands. Named after Philip II of Spain, it was discovered in 1521 by the Portuguese-born Spanish explorer Ferdinand Magellan. It was soon claimed as a territory by the Viceroyalty of New Spain, and ruled it for more than 300 years. Those years were dotted by numerous rebellions by Filipinos striving for independence, until the country was sold by Spain to the United States of America for $20 million. Thus began the period of American colonization that lasted through World War II, when Imperial Japan invaded the land in their conquest of Asia. it was, however, liberated by American forces and finally declared its independence as the Republic of the Philippines on July 4, 1946.
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The Glossary
Pagmamano - "A Filipino gesture of respect towards adults used in greeting them. The term refers to the act of leaning down to kiss or place one's forehead against the hand of an adult."