Filipino cuisine features a gastronomic feast, fusing Spanish, Chinese, American and Southeast Asian influences into delicious delicacies. Filipino food centers mainly on the sour, sweet, salty and spicy tastes. The most common is the ubiquitous "adobo", which is pork or chicken cooked in a mix of vinegar, soy sauce and garlic. It is also known for the sour soupy dish "sinigang", using tamarind, kamias, or guava for flavor. It is extremely flexible, and can incorporate either pork, chicken, beef or fish. The cuisine also utilizes "gata" in many of its dishes, particularly in the spicy Bicol Express. There is also the unique "kare-kare", a peanut stew with oxtail and vegetables. Filipinos are noted for their use of condiments like "patis" and "bagoong", which are common in the region.
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The Glossary
Sisig - "The famous beer buddy, sisig is finely chopped pig ears, snout and cheeks with onions and chilis that is served on hot plates. Best with a dash of calamansi juice and a half-cooked egg on top."