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In planning a trip to historical Mongolia, the very first thing to consider is the number of days of stay as this will determine the need for a visa. For nationals of some countries visa will not be required as long as the planned vacation does not exceed the maximum number of days for exemption. In the case of US citizens, they are allowed to enter and stay in the country for three months. Cubans, Malaysians, and Israelis are, on the other hand, allowed only one month to stay in the country. Filipinos may stay for up to three weeks, while people from Hong Kong and Singapore are only given two weeks. Countries out of this list need to apply for visa before coming to the country.
In applying visa for a Mongolian trip, the embassy or consulate generally asks for documents such as a passport with a validity of six months and enough visa pages, one passport sized photo, and a completely filled-out application form. Once the required documents have been submitted the tourist visa is on its way. The applicant only needs to wait for a day or until the issuance. Then, the aspiring tourist can have a fill of that famous country in a mountain, Mongolia.