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Mongolia Good to know |
The most important thing to watch out for in coming to Mongolia is the marmots, which are considered good meat by most villagers. Although these rodents look cute, cuddly, and sometimes also tasty, they are actually dangerous. Breeding in them are fleas that carry residues of the Black Death. Through eating them, an unwarned tourist may acquire the deadly disease. Thus, what is best is get immunized in advance and to respectfully decline offerings of marmot cooking during the entire trip.
Another thing that is good to know when visiting Mongolia is that the weather in the country is unpredictable. Sometimes rain suddenly pours in the middle of what would have passed as a nice day. This can ruin a nice walk around town. Also, sandstorms occur indefinitely. It just comes and goes like the wind. The worst part of this is that the flying grains of sand can enter every hole and crevice of a person's stuff and the person himself. When a traveler encounters this kind of occurrence during a vacation, it is best to run to the nearest shelter for cover. This is to prevent a dream vacation from turning into a nightmare.