Macau flagMacau prices and costs

/ Asia / Macau / Prices and Costs
This is a cost estimation for Macau, prices are either contributed by local users or researched by our staff, if you're planning your trip to Macau this chart will be very helpful, if you have corrections or comments please feel free
High budget hotel/hostel costs
1,000.00 MOP (125.00 USD)
3,000.00 MOP (375.00 USD)
Low budget hostel costs
200.00 MOP (25.00 USD)
300.00 MOP (37.50 USD)
Middle range hotel/ hostel costs
300.00 MOP (37.50 USD)
800.00 MOP (100.00 USD)
1 bottle beer (Bar price) costs
30.00 MOP (3.75 USD)
1 bottle beer (Store price) costs
4.00 MOP (0.50 USD)
12.00 MOP (1.50 USD)
1 bottle of table wine (Store price) costs
40.00 MOP (5.00 USD)
70.00 MOP (8.75 USD)
1.5L bottle of Coke costs
15.00 MOP (1.88 USD)
1L milk costs
20.00 MOP (2.50 USD)
6 eggs costs
6.00 MOP (0.75 USD)
Basic Mc'Donalds meal costs
20.00 MOP (2.50 USD)
Gourmet meal costs
400.00 MOP (50.00 USD)
700.00 MOP (87.50 USD)
Large bottle of water (Store price) costs
8.00 MOP (1.00 USD)
Loaf of bread costs
8.00 MOP (1.00 USD)
10.00 MOP (1.25 USD)
Midrange restaurant meal costs
70.00 MOP (8.75 USD)
200.00 MOP (25.00 USD)
Street food costs
Maximum price of street food. Menus are usually in Chinese.
30.00 MOP (3.75 USD)
Internet access per hour costs
20.00 MOP (2.50 USD)
Local phone call costs
Cost for a 3 minute mobile phone call.
2.00 MOP (0.25 USD)
Movie ticket costs
40.00 MOP (5.00 USD)
Long distance bus ride costs
3.20 MOP (0.40 USD)
7.00 MOP (0.88 USD)
Rent a car costs
600.00 MOP (75.00 USD)
2,000.00 MOP (250.00 USD)
Rent a van costs
300.00 MOP (37.50 USD)
2,000.00 MOP (250.00 USD)
Short distance bus ride costs
City centre bus fare for 3 km.
2.50 MOP (0.31 USD)
Taxi ride in the city costs
Starting rate.
13.00 MOP (1.63 USD)
About Macau
Macau is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. It is located in southeast China. It was an overseas province of Portugal until 1999. Thus it displays a fusion of Chinese and Portuguese features in a variety of structures which include churches, old buildings, temples and other structures. You will find an endless number of narrow alleyways forming a maze in the old part...Read more