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Europe > Hungary

If Europe is a seven-course dinner, Hungary deserves to be called dessert. Sweet, serene scenery is complemented by a cordial population which cares for cleanliness and respect. A host of several World Heritage Sites add to the quaint attraction of this gem set in the heart of the continent. Bordered by tourist-favored countries like Austria, Romania and Ukraine, it figures among the 15 most popular destinations on earth. It has had a stable history with Kingdom of Hungary through the 2nd millennium. Such peaceful reigns gave the country its numerous castles and churches, making it the cultural center of Europe at various points in history. The collapse of the Eastern Bloc has been...

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Media ponder 'energy chess game' Wed, 15 Jul 2009 07:25:21 GMT
Turkish writers are pleased about the Nabucco gas pipeline deal, which was signed by Turkey, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania on Monday.  read more...

Students build a house in a week Sat, 13 Jun 2009 13:41:26 GMT
Students and staff from UWE travel to Hungary to build a house for a homeless family.  read more...

As it happened: Euro elections 09 Sun, 07 Jun 2009 18:29:39 GMT
News, analysis and your comments as the results of the 2009 European election come in - along with a selection of comments from blogs and twitter.  read more...

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