Taxis in Turkey

Always be vigilant when riding taxis, especially when it comes to the part when you're paying them. Turkish taxi drivers are known for using tricks to overcharge for a ride or steal money.
To ensure this does not happen to you, first check the meter before you start the journey. It should read 2.50 Turkish Lira to start, and then TL 1.40 for every next kilometer.
Don't accept a ride if the driver refuses to run the meter and instead offers a fixed price. Beware of it, because it is usually an exorbitant price that would be more than double the amount you'll pay had they used the meter.
When paying, never give out all the bills at once. A common scam is that the drivers would pretend to count it, all the while replacing some with smaller bills or stuffing some into their pockets. Then, they would harass you and say that you're trying to scam them by shortchanging them.
To avoid this, get out of the taxi immediately, then have the driver hold out his hand and give them the bills one by one, counting the amount as you go. After that, leave immediately and don't look back.
Another thing is that the drivers expect you to give them a big tip, you being a foreigner. (Locals don't give them tips) Try to learn also the the area before visiting it, by reading maps and guides, so that the drivers can't take advantage by taking you on roundabout routes.