Insulters beware!

Remember that uttering insults or making insulting gestures is very much taboo in Turkey. If you're the bad-tempered kind of traveler, best to practice self-control before visiting the country. Locals do not only appreciate courtesy and respect: they expect it. Rude behavior won't be tolerated, and you can end up in a fight, or worse, jail.
So, just use your common sense - you know how to be exceedingly polite. Don't point fingers, curse, or speak in a very loud manner. Observe how the locals do something before you do, like when entering mosques or using public amenities.
Also, expect children to stare at you, so don't be irritated. It's a natural thing for them, and people will consider you rude if you object to being stared at.
There! Remember all these before going on a vacation to Turkey, so you won't get into any trouble.