Situated 7 miles east of Port Antonio and made famous by Brooke Shields in the film “Blue Lagoon” this sheltered cove is one of the most charming destinations in Jamaica. In fact, it is the region's most legendary attraction. Surrounded by steep and verdant hills surrounding underground mineral springs believed to be bottomless, the Blue Lagoon is a wonderful place to be in with its cerulean blue waters and tropical mountains of lush forest grove dominating its landscape.
Blue Lagoon is undeniably an enchanting spot to enjoy a weekend of exploring its massive mineral springs and forest trails. The lagoon itself is believed to be bottomless but researchers recently found its depth to be around 180 feet deep. A mix of warm mineral water and jets of icy fresh water from underground streams makes for a refreshing swim. The great part about the place is its blue waters that changes hues throughout the day.
Travelers of different persuasions have flocked to this island cove and many believed in its power to stir the creative mind. The writer Robin Moore, who once lived in Blue Lagoon, wrote his' highly successful novel, The French Connection, while eating seafood grill served on banana leaves.
The villas built around Blue Lagoon tend to have its own inimitable charm. It has the standard spacious white and pastel rooms filled with Jamaican art and multiple flower arrangements that has a distinct Mediterranean feel to it.